Michelle Hsieh


Fortune Teller screenshot

Fortune Teller

Have your fortune told! HTML/CSS/JS, console logged result. First major project using JS.

Age Calculator screenshot

Age Calculator

Calculate how old you are in a future year! HTML/CSS/JS. Second JS project.

Cash Register screenshot

Cash Register

Bonjourno! Shop in this Italian gastronomia! HTML/CSS/JS. Third JS project.

Credit Card validator screenshot

Credit Card Validator

See if your credit card number is valid for use! HTML/CSS/JS.

mythical creatures screenshot

Cooking Mythical Creatures

Data changed on pre-existing platform/site. Added Jquery rotating photos. Jquery JS along with CSS and data changes.

Youtube API screenshot

Youtube APIs

Added APIs (Pinterest, Twitter) to pre-existing site and Google search bar. CSS/JS/Ajax.

JQuery screenshot

JS Snippet

Added APIs (Pinterest, Twitter) to pre-existing site. CSS/JS changes.

animation screenshot

Animate a Block

Added JS to pre-existing HTML/CSS site. JQuery JS/CSS changes.

Tip Calculator screenshot

Tip Calculator

Calculate tip on this calculator! HTML/CSS/JQuery JS.

Canvas colorful drawing screenshot

Colorful Drawing on Canvas

Draw colors on a browser screen using the canvas function. HTML/CSS/JS.

python screenshot

Python examples

Python examples. HTML/CSS/JS/Python.

Rock Paper Scissors screenshot

Rock Paper Scissors with React

Rock Paper Scissors game done with HTML/CSS/React JS.

brickbat screenshot


Brickbat game HTML/CSS/JS JQuery

basketball screenshot


Mini basketball freethrow game. HTML/CSS/JS JQuery

wheel of fortune screenshot

Wheel of Fortune

Hangman game with Wheel of Fortune Cookie array HTML/CSS/JS jQuery, Bootstrap

Kermit's Pet Shop screenshot

Kermit's Pet Shop

First experimental multi-page site done with HTML/CSS after a week of learning code to code.

MatchingPair.com screenshot


Complete website for matching socks through dating. Humor/Comedy. HTML/CSS/JS

Martian Traveler Guide screenshot

The Martian Traveler

Travel website for Mars 2050. Explore the (neighborhood) planet. Visit some historic places. HTML/CSS/JS

404 Error screenshot

The 404 CSS Zen Garden

Compilation of 404 Errors for a relaxation experience in a frustrating moment. HTML/CSS/JS