💕 MatchingPair.com 💕
Where single socks come to find a match!!

About Us
Est. 2019
In a world full of pairs, it was painful to see a single non-working sock. I knew there were many single socks just laying around, losing the will to live. They needed a new idea: help in finding them a match so that they could get out there again and do what they were meant to do.
And so began my quest to establish a dating site for these single socks. They didn't need to wait till laundry day to maybe find a match. They didn't have to be tossed aside by society as worthless because they were single. Being single is not a crime. In a world as diverse as this, it is ok to be different, unique and a bit worn out. One can still be paired up and find a match. One can still be useful and have pride in working.
And that is the goal for MatchingPair: to make matches that would otherwise not happen. If you know a single sock, or are a single sock, please join us and realize your full potential. It's time to stop hiding in the back and get out there again!
MatchingPair NYC