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Where single socks come to find a match!!

Recently uploaded profiles

Meet Danielle

Danielle is newly single, having lost her partner to the Great Laundry Cleanse of 2019. She tried to move on but without Damien, it was hard to be a leftie in a right foot world. On the dance floor, it was always a diaster and she was rarely taken out as she would be too loose with herself, causing tragedy. She's hoping that MatchingPair will find her a rightie.

Meet Sparks

Sparks is a young one. His mate got into an accident with irreversible damage and had to be laid to rest in the Great Bin. As Sparks had rarely been out before this accident, he is a bit jumpy when out of the drawer. But he's very open to another relationship, be it with a leftie or rightie or ambivert.

Meet Horace

Horace is a very hard working old timer who has managed to go through several pairings already. He's mantained his independence but is very keen on finding the perfect match. While he's a bit rough, he has plenty of experience to take on any new relationship.

Meet Sandy

Sandy enjoys long walks, comfortable time in front of a lit fireplace, and snuggling with her loved one. Her previous partner disappeared after a trip to Barcelona and she never heard from him again. She hopes to find new life with a partner that is as compassionate as her previous partner was.

Meet Leftie

Leftie has had 2 previous pairings but he is ethically non-monogamous and hopes to be in several open relationships. He isn't fussy about age, gender, right/left/ambiverts, etc He loves life and being out. He enjoys getting wet, cuddles and being blown around in the wind. While he may look conservative, he is anything but!! He doesn't mind standing out and his loud behavior often gets noticed. He may not be for the bashful.