💕 MatchingPair.com 💕
Where single socks come to find a match!!
Success Stories

Jamie and Morgan
Jamie met Morgan on her third date through MatchingPair. They shared similar goals of loyalty to their job, professionalism through any environment, and really understand each other's roles. Jamie prefers left sided ideals while Morgan values right sided viewpoints, but they work so well together that they match despite their differing viewpoints and colors. Morgan insists that he is committed to Jamie for life now that he sees that he can get along with a leftie whose colors are so unlike his previous match. They're enjoying their 15th anniversary as a pair.

Fatima and Basil
Fatima and Basil knew right off the bat that they were going to get along. They both met each other on the first dates through MatchingPair and we knew it was going to be second love at first site. Both Fatima and Basil are keen to experiment with left and right foot ideology and share equal time with any toes involved. They also share very similar backgrounds but hadn't known they shared so many similarities until they were paired. While they may make quite a spectacle of a pair at times, they support each other with all their color. While it is still a new-ish pairing, as they've only been out on a few dates, MatchingPair has high hopes that they'll be successfully joined for life!

Leftie and Ruth
Leftie has had a few pairings through MatchingPair. Two previous pairings did not work as he is ethically non-monogamous. However this pairing with Ruth is considered a success as they both are ethically in an open-relationship with each other while still approaching others to pair with. Ruth likes the wide side of things and while Leftie may seem conservative, average and dependable, he secretly loves dancing to heavy metal and frequently falls into beer puddles while doing so. This amuses Ruth greatly. Ruth has been paired before, not through MatchingPair but those relationships did not last. Many socks feel compelled to be monogamous but this pair have prefer to be open to new experiences. Being blown around on the wind, drying out on a rocky beach, getting lost in a crowd of socks are many of the same qualities which this couple share on occasion.

Merry and Martha
These two lovebirds are cute from the same cloth. They share so many similarities that it is a wonder that they hadn't been paired up in the first place. MatchingPair knew immediately that these two had to meet and arranged their first date at an art gallery to view the neuvo-Rubenesque series by a young Frenchman from Paris named Pierre Marcel. Martha is artistic and quiet while Merry is loud and rambunctious. But together, they share a love of the outdoors, fashion and dogs. One day they hope to adopt a Pekinese with light grey hair and a sharp bark. While Martha is keen on car rides and driving, Merry prefers looking out the window as she gets motion-sickness. These two also share the same birthday month so often hold huge parties to celebrate the occasion. They have been together for their 50th anniversary and hope to retire at the same time at the end of their lives.
MatchingPair NYC